pacman -S python-pmw
深夜在 Oracle VM VirtualBox 里折腾 Arch Linux,偶然看到 pacman
输出中闪过的 python-idle
,手贱在终端里打了 idle
,试图启动熟悉的 Python IDLE,然而却得到了这样的输出:
IDLE can't import Tkinter.
Your Python may not be configured for Tk. ***
看起来是没装 tkinter
,于是下意识 pip install tkinter
,然而系统竟然提示我没装 pip
于是 pacman -S python-pip
,再重新执行 pip install tkinter
Could not find a version that satisfies the reqirement tkinter (from versions: )
No matching distribution found for tkinter
一脸懵逼,难道是 Python 版本不对?不存在的。
(搬运自旧 Hexo 博客)
Written on December 14th, 2017 by DuckSoft